A new game show hosted by Rob Lowe (9-1-1: Lone Star), THE FLOOR sees 81 contestants face off in duels on a giant grid of squares representing their own field of trivia expertise.
The winner of each timed head-to-head trivia battle takes control of their opponent’s square, while the loser goes home. Only one player will walk away with a whopping $250,000 cash prize. In the sixth episode, the trivia battle turns up the heat as only 42 players remain.
Hiding IN PLAIN SIGHT are 34 players who have yet to play. 8 more will go home, and the duels turn sweet and sour, as one of the youngest players tries to take over the most territory in the “You Can Run but You Can’t Hide” episode of The Floor, airing Tuesday, Feb . 6 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.