The Santa Barbara International Film Festival (SBIFF) has announced THE LINEUP for its inaugural Call-To-Action Film Festival. A diverse selection of 7 thought provoking films are set for the seven-day festival. Beginning with a Passholder Reception at Belmond El Encanto on September 28, the festival runs through October 4, 2018, at SBIFF's Riviera Theatre. The purpose of the Festival is to bring communities together in order to spark dialogue on pressing issues using the art of film. There will be moderated panel discussions with the films' directors and specialist on the films' issues.
The Festival includes:
The Film Festival Programmers Michael Albright and Mickey Duzdevich commented, "This selection of compelling documentaries address a range of diverse and timely issues throughout the United States. They are all empowering examples of people standing up against injustice and discrimination as well as a "call to action" for audiences to become more engaged so that we gradually make a difference in our own communities."
Panel discussions will be moderated by Geoff Green (CEO SBCC Foundation) and include:
The Festival is presented by Belmond El Encanto and sponsored by the City of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County Office of Arts and Culture, Voice Magazine, Rincon Broadcasting and YTS Films.
Film information, schedules, passes, and tickets are available at, by calling 805-963-0023, and at the Riviera Theatre.
About The Santa Barbara International Film Festival
The Santa Barbara International Film Festival (SBIFF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts and educational organization. Over the past 32 years, SBIFF has become one of the leading film festivals in the United States - attracting 90,000 attendees and offering 11 days of 200+ films, tributes and panels, fulfilling their mission to engage, enrich, and inspire people through the power of film. We celebrate the art of cinema and provide impactful educational experiences for our local, national and global communities.
SBIFF continues its commitment to education and the community through out many free educational programs and events. In June 2016, SBIFF entered a new era with the acquisition of the historic and beloved Riviera Theatre. After a capital campaign and renovation, the theatre is now SBIFF's new state-of-the-art, year-round home, showing new international and independent films every day.