In honor of the memory of Leonard Nimoy the electronic dance music group Operamatic has written and released a song titled "Left Behind - A Requiem for Spock."
Opera singer Chloe G and song writer Mark J produced the tribute song in reverence for the beloved actor: "We both imagined the song as if it were a Vulcan vocalist singing a tribal farewell tribute to Spock. If you can imagine a Vulcan singing with strong Vulcan harmonies then we've successfully managed to deliver our vision of a tribute to the great Leonard Nimoy and his portrayal of the Vulcan Spock."
Spock embraced a philosophy of racial and cultural diversity, the highest objective of which was to be a purely logical being. Vulcans are also pacifists with strict vegan diets and though capable of experiencing extremely powerful emotions, Vulcans developed techniques to suppress them to live a life in harmony with logic.
"As a message the Vulcan philosophy stands utterly unique in it's positive vision for a human future free of the illogical misery we see today. We humbly offer our labor of love in musical form to the memory of a great actor and his positive message for our future."
An mp3 file of the song can be downloaded free of charge at Requiem for Spock.