Disney announced today that it is shifting the release dates for three upcoming films. "Maleficent", the film which tells the back story of the villain from "Sleeping Beauty" and stars Angelina Jolie, will come out on May 30, 2014, over a month earlier than its initially announced release date, July 2, 2014.
On the contrary, the release date for Pixar's "The Good Dinosaur" has been pushed back a year and a half from May 30, 2014 to November 24, 2015. Also being pushed back is the highly anticipated "Finding Dory." The sequel to the hit Pixar film "Finding Nemo," "Dory" has been pushed to a June 17, 2016 release opposed to its originally scheduled November 25, 2015 date and will be released in 3D.
Disney's other announcements on Wednesday included release dates for "The Fifth Estate" which will be on October 18. Also, the Kevin-Costner led High School track flick, "McFarland" will get a November 21, 2014 release.