As Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, embark on their new lives as nonworking members of the royal family, ABC News will air a prime-time special detailing the events that led to their departure and what their future may hold. Correspondent Deborah Roberts reports on Meghan's road to British royalty, the challenges she's faced along the way, the Queen, the press, the pressure and Prince Harry, who can no longer call himself His Royal Highness.
The special features interviews with Nacho Figueras, Harry's close friend and charity partner; Alastair Bruce of Crionaich, the Queen's Governor of Edinburgh Castle who knows the royal family well; and Julie Montagu, Viscountess Hinchingbrooke, an American who married the heir apparent of the Earl of Sandwich. The program, with additional reporting by foreign correspondent James Longman, raises questions about what Harry and Meghan's new life could look like and more. "Royal Divide: Harry, Meghan, and The Crown" airs Wednesday, Jan. 29 (10:00 - 11:00 p.m. EST), on ABC.
"Royal Divide: Harry, Meghan, and The Crown" is produced by ABC News. David Sloan is senior executive producer; John R. Green is executive producer, and Ann Reynolds is senior producer.
Watch the trailer here: