"Ravens of Mars" is a futuristic comedy web series intended to make social media a more positive place. The second season is set to release in early fall.
"Ravens of Mars" is produced by Cincinnati-based animation studio, SkyVengers Cartoon LLC. The story is about rising tension between the inhabitants of Mars and Earth. The best pilots are recruited to fly the most advanced space vehicles in aviation history, creating a group called the Ravens. Ultimately, the Ravens job is to patrol and protect the Martian side.
After creating season one of "Ravens of Mars", SkyVengers Cartoon LLC decided to make improvements for season two, such as revising the storyboard writing process, improving the character sci-fi archetypes, and enhancing the quality of animation production.In order to generate the funds needed for all the improvements, the "Ravens of Mars" team launched a crowdfunding campaign via Cincinnati Film Society. "Ravens of Mars" generated a lot of local interest during season one, including Cincinnati's ex-mayor Mark Mallory who did a special guest voice on season one. Their fan-base has only grown since then, as they raised 12% of their total fundraising goal of $42,550 in only one week.
"The first season was more experimental, where we were trying to figure out exactly what we wanted to create and what we wanted the audience to see. Now, the second season is more on target. We really specified how we wanted to portray the solar system and the sci-fi plot, and we are really looking forward to it's release." - D.S. Meyers, creator of Skyvengers Cartoon LLC and "Ravens of Mars".