Today, Quibi announced MEMORY HOLE, an irreverent comedy series hosted by actor and comedian, Will Arnett. Created by Scott Vrooman, MEMORY HOLE is a series from Shout! Studios, Quibi, Do Things! Inc., and Electric Avenue. Tim Fornara will serve as executive producer and showrunner. MEMORY HOLE is produced by Amy Kim and Jaime Burke. Executive producers are Will Arnett, Brent Haynes, Bob Emmer, Garson Foos, Scott Vrooman, and Tim Fornara.
MEMORY HOLE is a smart, biting, and hilarious ride exploring the archives of the most cringe-worthy events in pop culture. The first season aims its laser-focused comedy on Canada. Hosted by one of Canada's esteemed exports, Will Arnett takes viewers on a comedic journey skewering a myriad of topics most of us forgot or never even knew existed. Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. MEMORY HOLE is here to help.
"I'm excited to be a part of this show, in which we help people remember things they tried to forget," said Will Arnett.
"I'm grateful to Quibi for the opportunity to share my grim fascination with old TV and movie oddities. I'm also super excited to work with my fellow Canadian Will Arnett, and looking forward to long conversations with him about the weather in Celsius," stated producer Scott Vrooman, Do Things! Inc.
"We are delighted to partner with Quibi, Scott, and Will Arnett to open the Memory Hole. Since our best scientists have let us down on the promise of time travel, this is clearly the next best way to examine history's most ill-conceived pop-culture moments," said Brent Haynes, Head of TV Development at Shout! Studios. "As we continue to expand our reach into development and production for original content, Memory Hole exemplifies the type of modernized nostalgia Shout Studios is focusing on sharing with the planet," stated Shout's founders and CEOs Bob Emmer and Garson Foos.
Host: Will Arnett
Executive Producer: Will Arnett, Brent Haynes, Bob Emmer, Garson Foos, Scott Vrooman, and Tim Fornara.
Producers: Amy Kim, Jaime Burke
Production Companies: Produced by Shout! Studios, Do Things! Inc., and Electric Avenue.
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