The movie was written/directed by Brian Kohne, and produced by Stefan Schaefer. The music in the movie really shines, as exemplified on the Barefoot Natives "GET A JOB” soundtrack CD. The soundtrack has pacific-fusion appeal.
The Motion Picture Soundtrack by the Barefoot Natives also goes on sale November 1st. Both products can be purchased online at in addition to select retailers.
"GET A JOB" represents a small step in the creation of a self-sustaining film industry here in the islands,” said writer/director Brian Kohne. He graduated in 1989 from Film and Television school at San Jose State University.
Eric Gilliom and Willie K
Kathy Collins and Carolyn Omine
Director Brian Kohne, Raymond Rolak, Maya Iida and Jon Campbell
Jake Shimabukuro and "The Tourists"
Mick Fleetwood