Writer-director Andy Stapp's Marfa follows four lifelong friends who decide to veer off the road and venture into a small West Texas town known as Marfa.
The cast includes Tony Toddy (Candyman, Final Destination 5) , Stelio Savante (Running For Grace, No Postage Necessary), Brittany Jo Alvarado, Kyle Colton, Marcus Jahn, Tracy Perez (East Los High, Charlie Says), Richard Riehle (The Man From Earth, Casino), Neil Sandilands (The Flash, Hap and Leonard), Kimberley Christann Pember, Lisa Roumain (Westworld, Avatar), Scot Scurlock, and Sasha Thurston. Stapp is making his directorial debut from his own script and is also executive producing. Producers are Stelio Savante and Starla Christian.
Marfa is currently in the final stages of post production and is scheduled for a late 2020 release.