July 24 was the Television Academy's Costume Design Nominee Reception at the Fashion Institue of Design and Merchandising Museum and Galleries in Los Angeles, California. Broadwayworld brings you coverage below.
Photo Credit: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images
Costume desginer Lou Eyrich nominee for the television show 'Glee', Barbara Bundy director of FIDM Museum and Galleries and costume designer Janie Bryant nominee for the television show 'Mad Men'
Costume desginer Lou Eyrich nominee for the television show 'Glee', Barbara Bundy director of FIDM Museum and Galleries and costume designer Polthakorn Joe Viboonviriyawong
Costume designer supervisor Marisa Aboitiz, Barbara Bundy director of FIDM Museum and costume designer Lou Eyrich nominee for the television show 'Glee'
Costume desginer Janie Bryant L nominee for the television show 'Mad Men' and Mary Rose, President of the Costume Designers Guild
Costume desginer Alonzo V. Wilson L and assistant costume designer Ann Walters nominees for the television show 'Treme'
Assistant costume designer Ann Walters nominee for the television show 'Treme'
Costume desginer Alonzo V. Wilson nominee for the television show 'Treme'
Costume desginers Le Dawson L and Janie Bryant nominees for the television show 'Mad Men'
Costume desginer Janie Bryant nominee for the television show 'Mad Men'
Costume desginer Cynthia Summers nominee for the television show 'Bones' and her daughter Phoebe Parsons
Costume desginer Lou Eyrich nominee for the television show 'Glee'
Costume desginer Cynthia Summers nominee for the television show 'Bones'
Mary Rose, President of the Costume Designers Guild, costume desginers Le Dawson and Janie Bryant nominees for the television show 'Mad Men' and Betsey Potter, Governor ATAS Costume Design and Supervision Peer Group
Betsey Potter, L Governor, ATAS Costume Design and Supervision Peer Group and costume designer Polthakorn Joe Viboonviriyawong
Mary Rose, President of the Costume Designers Guild
Govenor of ATAS Costume Design and Supervision Peer Group Van Ramsey
Betsey Potter Governor ATAS Costume Design and Supervision Peer Group
Barbara Bundy, director of the FIDM Museum and Galleries, Mary Rose, President of the Costume Designers Guild and Alan Perris
Actor David Meunier L and actress Erica Tazel of the television show 'Justified'
Actor David Meunier of the television show 'Justified'
Actress Erica Tazel of the television show 'Justified'
Barbara Bundy, director of the FIDM Museum and Galleries