The High Chaparral Reunion held its 2015 gathering from March 19th to March 22nd with celebrities Henry Darrow, Don Collier, Rudy Ramos, and Kent and Susan McCray in attendance. Penny McQueen, event producer, says the Reunion will return to Tucson, and will include a visit to Old Tucson Studios where the show was filmed. Check out shots from the evening below!
Other celebrities in attendance included Neil Summers, Stan Ivar, Mayf Nutter, Buck Montgomery, Boyd Magers, Steve DeFrance, Jackie Fuller, Jeff McCarroll and Marc Mitzell.
Attendees were treated to a concert by the Tucson Boys Chorus at the Sponsor's Dinner.
Darrow played the rascally Manolito Montoya; Collier, the loyal and tough ranch foreman Sam Butler; and Ramos portrayed the quiet-yet-confident half-Pawnee Indian, Wind, in the classic Western series that aired on NBC from 1967 to 1971. McCray was the production manager of the show and wife Susan did casting.
"The 2014 Reunion was the biggest one yet," says McQueen says, "and we're looking forward to an even bigger gathering in 2015. Registration is open now, and we invite all fans to join us for a gathering that many describe as fulfilling a lifetime dream."
Along with Darrow, Collier and Ramos, The High Chaparral starred Leif Erickson as Big John Cannon, Cameron Mitchell as Buck Cannon, Mark Slade as Blue Boy and Linda Cristal as Victoria. Other Cast members included Bob Hoy as Joe Butler, Rudólfo Acosta as Vaquero, Roberto Contreras as Pedro, Ted Markham as Reno and Jerry Summers as Ira Bean. Susan McCray's father, Oscar-winning composer Harry Sukman, orchestrated the show's music.
The historic show aired on NBC network from 1967 to 1971. The show is considered historic because it promoted Latino and other minority actors during the height of the Civil Rights movement, a time when many acting opportunities weren't open to them. The show is currently being shown in syndication on the INSP channel, which is opening up a new generation of fans.
Attending were Henry Darrow (Manolito Montoya) and wife Lauren Levian, Don Collier (Sam Butler), Rudy Ramos (Wind), Kent McCray (production manager) and wife/casting director Susan McCray, along with Stan Ivar (Little House on the Prairie: A New Beginning), Western author Boyd Magers (Western Clippings Magazine) and stuntman/author Neil Summers.
During the gathering, produced by Penny McQueen, cast, crew and fans participated in a steak dinner at the White Stallion Ranch; a casting call overseen by Susan McCray; a Sponsors Dinner including music from The Vinnie Falcone Trio in a tribute to composer Harry Sukman; a trip to Old Tucson Studios where the show was filmed, including a horse trail ride and live stunts; a trivia contest; and live premiers of Rudy Ramos' "Geronimo, Life on the Reservation," (written by Janelle Meraz-Hooper and directed by Steve Railsback); and Don Collier's "Confessions of an Acting Cowboy." The group also held question and answer panels and autograph/photograph sessions,
For more information, visit,, or
Casino del Sol, Tucson, Arizona
Welcome to The High Chaparral Reunion
The High Chaparral
Bill Gantz and Don Collier
Kent McCray and Don Collier
The BIG CHEESE-Kent McCray
Stan Ivar and his buddy Don Collier
Jeff McCarroll
Lauren Levian Darrow
Kent McCray and Susan McCray
Kent McCray
Neil Summers and Kent McCray
Kent McCray, Susan McCray, Lauren Levian Darrow, Boyd Magers, Henry Darrow, Neil Summers, Don Collier and Rudy Ramos
Neil Summers, Don Collier and Rudy Ramos
Mayf Nutter
Boyd Magers and Don Collier
Kent McCray
Susan McCray
Penny McQueen and Susan McCray
Jeff McCarroll and Kent McCray
Don Collier and Boyd Magers
Don Collier, Boyd Magers and Susan McCray
Stan Ivar and Jeff McCarroll
Jeff McCarroll and Kent McCray
Mayf Nutter and Kent McCray
Jeff McCarroll
Neil Summers
Don Collier
The Bunkhouse Girls meet the Bunkhouse Boys-Karen McKibben, Tammy Brooks, Sandi Pickel, Kathy Shepley, Susan Russ and Don Collier, Henry Darrow, Cameron Mitchell and Bob Hoy
Marc Mitzell (nephew of Cameron Mitchell)
Dealing a winning hand at the Casino del Sol
Don Collier
Mayf Nutter and Henry Darrow
Henry Darrow and Lauren Levian Darrow
Don Collier
The Tucson Boys Chorus
Buck Montgomery and Tammy Montgomery
Old Tucson Studios where the exterior shots of the show were filmed
Kent McCary outside the original ranch house set
Lauren Levian Darrow and Henry Darrow
Henry Darrow
Bob Shelton (founder of Old Tucson Studios) and Kent McCray
Henry Darrow
Henry Darrow
Stunt demonstrations with Jeff McCarroll and Buck Montgomery
Jeff McCarroll
Stunt demonstrations with Jeff McCarroll and Buck Montgomery
Ricochet Radio Ranglers-Greg DeBenedetti, Heather Sticker, Buck Montgomery and Jeff McCarroll
Kent McCray
Stan Ivar, Mayf Nutter, Steve deFrance, Neil Summers, Kent McCray, Boyd Magers, Don Collier, Jackie Fuller and Rudy Ramos
Stan Ivar, Mayf Nutter and Steve deFrance
Mayf Nutter
Mayf Nutter, Steve deFrance and Neil Summers
Don Collier
Mayf Nutter, Steve deFrance, Neil Summers, Kent McCray, Boyd Magers, Don Collier, Jackie Fuller and Rudy Ramos
Jackie Fuller and Rudy Ramos
See you next year Tucson!
Photo Credit: Genevieve Rafter-Keddy