This afternoon it was announced that Academy Award-winning actor, Penelope Cruz, will be joining the cast of Kenneth Branagh's upcoming film adaptation of Agatha Christie's murder mystery thriller, "Murder on the Orient Express."
She will join previously announced Tony Award-winner, Leslie Odom, Jr., who will appear in the role of Doctor Arbuthnot in the film.
The all-star cast is also set to include Oscar- winner Judi Dench as Princess Dragomiroff, Lucy Boynton as Countess Andrenyi. Tom Bateman as Bouc, Tony Award-winner, Derek Jacobi as Masterman, Michael Pena as Marquez, Johnny Depp as Ratchett, Michelle Pfeiffer as Mrs. Hubbard, Daisy Ridley as Mary Debenhamand, and Tony nominee Josh Gad as Hector McQueen.
In addition to his directing duties, Branagh, a five-time Academy Award-nominee, will also star as detective Hercule Poirot.