Congressman Paul Ryan's new book is a way to say he doesn't like where the country is headed, he tells Richard Schlesinger in an interview for CBS SUNDAY MORNING WITH CHARLES OSGOOD to be broadcast August 17, 2014 (9:00 AM, ET) on the CBS Television Network.
The Republican congressman from Wisconsin was
MITT Romney's running mate in 2012 and is often mentioned as a potential candidate for President in 2016. Ryan's book title, The Way Forward, can also be considered a campaign slogan, Schlesinger reports.
"The whole purpose of this book is to say, 'I also don't like the direction the country's going," Ryan tells Schlesinger. "And so, what leaders ought to say, 'Here's how I'd do things differently."
Ryan, 44, has been in Congress for almost 16 years. He talks with Schlesinger about his decision not to live in Washington, his childhood, and his ongoing work in the area of Medicare. Ryan says they haven't gotten a deal done on Medicare, yet, "but we've normalized this idea from something very controversial to a constructive bipartisan solution to what is the biggest driver of our debt and one of the most important components of our safety net.
"And, so, this is how I like moving issues," Ryan adds. "Get the conversation started, apply your principles, show a solution, normalize it and then try to get it done."
Ryan also points fingers not only at Democrats, but at his own party.
"What I saw was a party that lost its principles, left its moorings - and, and looked like a hypocritical party," Ryan says of Republicans. "They said they were for fiscal conservatism, but didn't act like it, didn't do it."
CBS SUNDAY MORNING is broadcast Sundays (9:00-10:30 AM, ET) on the
CBS Television Network. Rand Morrison is the executive producer.
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