The Parents Television Council offered congratulations to Brendan Carr for his nomination to the Federal Communications Commission as a commissioner. "We congratulate Brendan Carr on his FCC commissioner nomination. If confirmed, we call on him to consider the so-often-overlooked concerns of parents and families in today's media environment, which includes enforcing the broadcast indecency law, delivering on the promises of the Child Safe Viewing Act, and, as mentioned over 100 times in the legislation when the FCC was first created, serving the 'public interest.' Public interest and corporate interest can sometimes be at odds, and Commission authority is limited only to the former. We urge Mr. Carr to also engage in the oversight directly assigned to the FCC by Congress - even in this deregulatory environment. We look forward to working with him," said PTC President Tim Winter.
The PTC™ also works with elected and appointed government officials to enforce broadcast decency standards. Most importantly, the PTC produces critical research and publications documenting the dramatic increase in sex, violence and profanity in entertainment. This information is provided free of charge so parents can make informed viewing choices for their own families. Visit the new PTC Watchdog Blog at Follow the PTC on Twitter: @ThePTC.