Breaking Glass Pictures and Goldstreet Films are proud to announce the upcoming nationwide releases of Richard Goldgewicht's Pablo. The film is narrated by Oscar winner Jeff Bridges and features appearances by Anjelica Huston, Stan Lee, Beau Bridges, Jon Voight, Leonard Maltin and many more. Pablo is currently available on cable VOD and will arrive on DVD November 5.
Pablo tells the story of the life and times of legendary film title designer Pablo Ferro. Using a blend of character animation, motion design and documentary footage, Pablo tracks Pablo Ferro's rise as a poor Cuban immigrant to the heights of the Madison Avenue commercial industry, to becoming one of the most celebrated designers in movie history and finally to his current home in the garage behind his son's house. The film centers on Pablo's presence in the New York counter culture scene of the 1960s until the mysterious brush with death that changed his life forever. The animation part of the film takes us through the dreamscape of Pablo's memories, while the documentary footage chronicles a very eccentric lifestyle of a 72 year old artist, once hailed by Stanley Kubrick as the father of the sixties look and the MTV aesthetics.Videos