ABC's popular comedy series THE MIDDLE celebrates 200 episodes of the beloved Heck family surviving life's daily challenges in Orson, Indiana! The cast and co-creators/executive producers, along with Channing Dungey (President, ABC Entertainment Group), celebrated the show's incredible milestone on set today in Burbank, California, with a mooooving cake-cutting ceremony.
Two-time Emmy-winner Patricia Heaton stars in this warm and witty single-camera comedy about raising a family and lowering your expectations. Middle-aged, middle class and living in the middle of the country in Orson, Indiana, Frankie Heck is a harried wife and mother of three who uses her wry wit and sense of humor to get her family through each day intact. Frankie works as a dental assistant, and her unflappable husband, Mike, is manager at the local quarry and her sardonic partner in the daily grind that is raising their average - yes, most definitely average - family.
Photo courtesy of ABC