As BWW has reported this week, Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has come under fire following anti-gay comments he made in a recent interview for GQ's January issue. Said Robertson: "Everything is blurred on what's right and what's wrong... Sin becomes fine. Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men."
Earlier in the week, A&E Network, which airs the reality series, announced that they have suspended Robertson indefinitely from the show. Today, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,(PETA) has condemned Robertson's remakes and has called on A&E to cancel the series.
Their statement follows:
"PETA wants A&E to do more than suspend one of the characters on Duck Dynasty for damning gays. We call on the channel to challenge the entire crew of duck slayers to ignore Sarah Palin's self-serving slap on the back for spewing hate speech and deny that they are as anti-gay as they are anti-animal. All people who consider themselves followers of Christ should follow all His teachings-and that includes showing mercy, compassion, and kindness to all of God's creation, human and nonhuman alike. What's 'sinful' is hating people and animals. PETA asks everyone who consider themselves to be Christian to reject hate speech and call for this show's cancellation."