The Olympic Channel is proud to announce the arrival of its new series titled Foul Play - an award-winning documentary series that explores controversial subjects including religion, gender, and race within the context of sports and the Olympic Movement.
The first episode features Margaret Lambert, a German-Jewish track & field athlete who was barred from competing in the 1936 Olympic Games despite being considered amongst the best in Germany. Fearing her future after her expulsion from the Olympic Games and the ever-increasing power of the Nazi regime in Germany, Lambert fled to the United States to create a new life for herself and vowed to never return to Germany. Her Olympic career was over on that fateful day in 1936, but her story was far from finished.
From her time as a decorated athlete to her place in history and reconciliation with the past, The Margaret Lambert Story is an intimate portrait of one woman's personal journey. At 102 years old, and just prior to her death in 2017, Margaret tells her story with the help from various members of the international sports community such as Ira Berkow (New York Times Journalist & Pulitzer Prize Winner), Dagmar Freitag (Chairwoman of The Sports Committee of the German Bundestag) and even her own son, Gary Lambert - who all play an integral part of keeping her story alive.
The Margaret Lambert Story is the first of three short documentary films, having been accepted into 14 film festivals and receiving several honours from the industry including wins at the Cleveland International Film Festival, Queensworld Film Festival and the Washington Jewish Film Festival. Additional subjects will be announced in the coming months.
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