ABC's Once Upon a Time was Sunday night's top-rated show, while Fox's 25th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL didn't have much to celebrate. After broadcasting the pilot episodes of the network's Married...With Children (2.9 million, 1.3) and The Simpsons (3.2 million, 1.5), Fox presented its two-hour anniversary special featuring the network's current and past TV stars. The special only pulled in 4.3 million viewers and a 1.8 — down from what Fox's usual Sunday night animated programming block earns.
Returning after two weeks off, Once drew 8.8 million and a 2.9 in the adults 18-to-49 demographic, Firelight, a HallMark Hall of Fame movie starring Cuba Gooding Jr., followed with 7.6 million and a 1.7.
NYC 22 (7.4 million, 1.4) second outing dropped a tenth in the demo. The show's lead-ins The Amazing Race (9.1 million, 2.5) and The Good Wife (10.3 million, 1.9) were also down slightly.
On NBC, Harry's Law (8.5 million 0.9) did not perform well and Celebrity Apprentice (6.2 million, 2.0) was also down two-tenths.
Here are the ratings results from Sunday, April 23rd:
8 p.m.
CBS: The Amazing Race 9.1 million viewers (2.5 demo rating)
ABC: Once Upon a Time 8.8 million (2.9)
Fox: Fox's 25th Anniversary Special 4.3 million (1.8) [8-10 p.m.]
NBC: Harry's Law 8.5 million (0.9)
9 p.m.
CBS: The Good Wife 10.3 million (1.9)
ABC: Firelight 7.6 million (1.7)
NBC: Celebrity Apprentice 6.2 million (2.0) [9-11 p.m.]
10 p.m.
CBS: NYC 22 7.4 million (1.4)