The next installment in the 'BOURNE' franchise has officially received an August 14, 2015 release, according to Deadline.
Justin Lin, best known for directing the last few FAST & FURIOUS films has signed on to helm the film, which Universal set up earlier this summer, is written by INVCITUS' Anthony Peckham, and continues the story of 'Aaron Cross,' played by Jeremy Renner. Renner's character succeeded Matt Damon's 'Jason Bourne' in the previous film, THE BOURNE LEGACY.
In LEGACY, audiences discovered that there are actually a variety of covert intelligence programs - all of which now feel the threat of exposure. On the verge of having their conspiracy revealed, members of the government's intelligence community stopped at nothing to erase allEvidence of their top secret programs. With his life in jeopardy, agent Aaron Cross (Renner) used his genetically-engineered skills to survive the ultimate game of cat-and-mouse and finish what Jason Bourne started. The film also featured Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton, Scott Glenn, Oscar Isaac, Joan Allen, Albert Finney,
Despite previous rumers this year, Damon will likely pass on a cameo, as he's previously stated that he won't return to the franchise without previous director Paul Greengrass.