Monday Morning Productions in association with Actorman Entertainment presents the new, original comedy series "He's With Me", debuting today, June 24th. The series is the latest from director Sebastian LaCause ("Keep the Lights On", "Bear City", "Orange is the New Black", Broadway's Rocky Horror), the award-winning creator/director/star of the web series "Hustling". Created by and starring Jason Cicci, "He's With Me" observes the stumbling blocks inherent in navigating the waters of modern manhood.
Straight ad-man Ted Adams (Bradford How) has just moved to the big city and needs a few friends. His childhood pal Eddie (John Cramer) has recently gotten married to Valerie (Darcie Siciliano), whose best friend, gay theatre critic Martin Adams (Jason Cicci), is also lonely. When Ted and Martin meet at the wedding and seem to get along, Val and Eddie hatch a plan to get the two guys to be friends. However, once the bromance is on, questions arise about what makes a man a man. "He's With Me" also features Ryan Duncan (Broadway's Shrek and Altar Boyz) as full-service friend/annoyance Benny Costa.
"I wrote the pilot episode many years ago just for fun, really," says creator Jason Cicci. "The idea was inspired by many gay/straight friendships I'd had or experienced first- hand and how sometimes, the situations those relationships revealed seemed pretty amusing. They also seemed threatening to some people, as everyone's comfort level is different. The show has really become more about how men feel about their lives, to what degree they share those feelings and how they cope with their fears. As a writer, how modern men deal with their love lives, women, marriage, children, their jobs, their egos and each other have become a source of interest and, I hope, humor."Videos