Babe and Bave is a new comedic web series brought to you by New York City based comedians, Dave Rosinsky and Amy Jans. The series came about from a student project assigned in Amy's digital storytelling class at the Fashion Institute of Technology.
Babe and Bave is a completely independent project. Completely produced with pre-production, production, and post-production by Amy, and funded by her waitress income. Amy says, "As comics here in the city and having to work full time jobs unrelated to what we actually want to do, plus I recently went back to college, Youtube is really a great platform to still have the freedom to entertain and get content out. Why wouldn't we utilize the opportunities that can come with Youtube?"
If you are in search for a comedic web series with original edgy content that makes fun of the subtle disagreements in a relationship, Babe and Bave can be your cup of tea! The mission of Babe and Bave is to entertain with content that is relatable yet over the top in the gentlest entertaining way.
About Babe and Bave
Babe and Bave is made up of New York City comedians, Amy Jans and Dave Rosinsky. New episodes to be released every Friday to YouTube. To keep up with everything Babe and Bave, check out their website at