Disney+ is releasing a new Loki TV series on its upcoming streaming platform. According to Tech Radar, this new series will tie into the upcoming Doctor Strange 2, forcing fans to subscribe to Disney+ if they want to understand all of the action.
Marvel Chief Creative Officer Kevin Feige said, "If you want to understand everything in future Marvel movies, he says, you'll probably need a Disney+ subscription, because events from the new shows will factor into forthcoming films such as Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness."
He also spoke on Loki's connection to Doctor Strange's sequel, saying, "I'm not sure we've actually acknowledged that before... but it does."
Read more on Tech Radar.
Disney+ will offer fans of all ages a new way to experience the unparalleled content from the company's iconic entertainment brands, including Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic and more, and will be available on nearly all major mobile and connected TV devices at launch with global distribution agreements in place with Apple, Google, Microsoft, Roku and Sony.
Read the full lineup of the streaming service's upcoming offerings here on BroadwayWorld.