In a series of videos that debuted online this morning, characters from hit HBO series, including "Game of Thrones," "VEEP," "Westworld," "Girls," "Silicon Valley" and more, join forces to show how their many distinct and diverse voices collectively help create the fun, exciting and unexpected experience viewers anticipate when they turn to HBO. The videos play off the iconic static intro - a dark screen that zaps into static, followed by the HBO Logo and a harmonious "ahhh" chord - that precedes all HBO original programming.
The videos:
HBO: It's What Connects Us - Ahhh (1):
HBO: It's What Connects Us - Ahhh (2):
HBO: It's What Connects Us - Ahhh (John Oliver):
HBO will be releasing more videos in the coming weeks, airing both on the HBO linear channel and online across the individual series' social profiles, all using a range of talent combinations to demonstrate that a true HBO experience isn't about one show or another, but rather about the variety of iconic shows, characters, creators and voices that call HBO home.