The first season of a sparkling new gay drama series, BOYS TOWN, from Reidling Entertainment, is set to light up the airwaves very soon. Created by producer Ricky Reidling, "BoysTown" chronicles the entanglements of seven diverse characters living in a gay neighborhood of Los Angeles. Reidling calls the show "a cross between a gay Desperate Housewives and Sex and the City".
The series is the follow-up to a pilot that was shown to great success at film festivals, and subsequently aired as a mini-series in Canada over eight years ago. Reidling states that after many emails and letters from fans through the years he felt now was the time to bring the show back into full swing as a series . Five new half hour episodes have already been released in the U.S. to critical praise, with a full season of 10 episodes to come.
The show is set to air in Canada on OutTV this year with other network information to be released soon.
Among the company's other productions is the popular 2010 feature film. "Heels", about a financially strapped young man who finds his true calling when he enters a cross-dressing competition for some extra cash.
The new "BoysTown" season will feature notable indie guest stars including Ian Roberts, Bruce L. Hart, Windham Beacham, Britt Prentice and Daniel Rhyder, alongside series regulars J. Hunter Ackerman, Jesse Seann Atkinson, Albertossy Espinoza, Eric Dean, Chace Farguson, Jim Patneaude, Ricky Reidling, and Peter Welkin.
For more information go to: To purchase previous episodes on DVD, visit: or
Reidling Entertainment is a full media Production Company creating television and feature films.