Disney Channel will debut an interstitial featuring Ross Lynch and Laura Marano, Disney's Friends for Change Ambassadors and stars of the hit series "Austin & Ally," working with the nonprofit organization TreePeople to connect kids with nature, inspire conservation and create green spaces at San Pedro Elementary School in Los Angeles. The interstitial begins airing FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 on Disney Channel.
Ross and Laura along with students and Disney VoluntEARS, helped plant 350 trees and educational gardens as part of Disney's $100,000 grant to help green school campuses and provide over 20,000 students across Los Angeles with the knowledge they need to do the same in their environments.
Disney's Friends for Change will also offer tools, resources and additional ideas on how to help the planet at www.disney.com/friends. Examples include planting native trees, clean-up events, and showing kids that even the smallest act can make a big impact on the environment.
In support of Disney's Friends for Change initiative, kids and families are encouraged to make a pledge and help reach a goal of 500,000 green actions taken to make a difference. Site visitors can download action kits, learn more about the Ambassadors' campaigns, and participate in the new Shout Out Module, an online forum that invites kids and families to motivate each other online and exchange tips on actions to help their schools and neighborhoods. Families can also vote online to further support each Ambassador's campaign.