CBS Television Network has announced the upcoming guests on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, now through 10/2. The show airs Monday through Friday, 12:37-1:37 AM, ET/PT, following Broadcasts of the "Late Show with David Letterman".
*Wednesday, Sept. 26 - Actor Jim Parsons from the CBS comedy “Big Bang Theory”; music by Dispatch (n)
Thursday, Sept. 27 - TBD
Friday, Sept. 28 - Actor Michael C. Hall; actress Martha Plimpton (n)
Monday, Oct. 1 - Actor Ethan Hawke (n)
Tuesday, Oct. 2 - Actress Mindy Kaling; comedian Carrot Top (n)
(*Denotes changes and/or additions to previous schedule, (n) Denotes new broadcast)
For more about the show, visit
RATING: TV-14-D (Rating may change on day of broadcast due to specific subject matter.)