Coaches from NBC's Emmy Award-winning musical competition series "The Voice" have each selected their 12-member teams that will advance to the Battle Rounds phase of the competition.
Beginning Monday, Oct. 13 (8-10 p.m. ET/PT), the coaches and celebrity advisers will work with their respective teams of performers and develop skill sets, offer advice and encouragement, and share secrets about their own personal success. During the Battle Rounds, each coach will pit two of their own team members against one another and will perform the same song together in front of a studio audience. After the vocal battle, the coach must choose which of his/her artists will advance to the Knockout Round, while the losing artist is available to be stolen by another coach. Each coach has two steals available during the Battle Rounds. Below is a breakdown of adviser and team pairings:#TEAMADAM
Artist Hometown Twitter
Ethan Butler Chicago, IL @iamethanbutler
Alessandra Castronovo Millstone Township, NJ @alessandrasfans
Damien Monroe, LA @iamdamienmusic
Kelli Douglas De Soto, TX @iamkellidouglas
Clara Hong Atlanta, GA @iamclarahong
Chris Jamison Pittsburgh, PA @iamchrisjamison
Joe Kirk Nashville, TN @joekirkmusic
Matt McAndrew Barnegat Light, NJ @mattmcandrew
Mia Pfirrman Covina, CA @miapfirrmann
Rebekah Samarin Whittier, CA @rebekahsamarin
Beth Spangler Aiken, SC @iambethspangler
Jonathan Wyndham Lexington, SC @jonathanwyndham
Artist Hometown Twitter
Craig Wayne Boyd Nashville, TN @cwbyall
Fernanda BOSCH Miami, FL @fernandabosch
Taylor Brashears Nashville, TN @taylorbrashears
Allison Bray Louisville, KY @theallisonbray
James David Carter Jacksonville, FL @jdcmusic
Bree Fondacaro Orange, CA @breefondacaro
Grant Ganzer Johnston, IA @grantganzer
Reagan James Burleson, TX @thereaganjames
Justin Johnes Massapequa, NY @justin_johnes
Tanner Linford Kaysville, UT @tanner_linford
John Martin St. Louis, MO @iamjohnmartin1
Kensington Moore Campbellsville, KY @kensingtonmoore
Artist Hometown Twitter
Mayra Alvarez La Porte, TX @mayravalvarez
Anita Antoinette Kingston, Jamaica /Boston, MA @anitantoinette
Sugar Joans Los Angeles, CA @sugarjoans
Jean Kelley Atlanta, GA @jeankelleymusic
Amanda Lee Peers Rochester, NY @amandalpeers
Jessie Pitts Birmingham, AL @jessiepitts724
Troy Ritchie Trabuco Canyon, CA @iamtroyritchie
Bryana Salaz San Antonio, TX @bryanasalaz
Gianna Salvato Freehold, NJ @giannasalvato
Ryan Sill Sterling, VA @ryansill
Taylor John Williams Portland, OR @mrtaylorjohn
Menlik Zergabachew Silver Spring, MD @menlikz
Artist Hometown Twitter
Brittany Butler Boston, MA @ibrittanybutler
Griffin Greenville, SC @hellogriffin
Toia Jones Montgomery, AL @jonestoia
Ricky Manning Cape Coral, FL @therickymanning
Blessing Offor Nigeria / Brooklyn, NY @blessingoffor
Taylor Phelan Dallas, TX @taylorphelan
Elyjuh Rene Long Beach, CA @elyjuh_rene
DaNica Shirey York, PA @nicashirey
Jordy Searcy Fairhope, AL @jordytsearcy
Maiya Sykes Los Angeles, CA @maiyasykes1
Katriz Trinidad San Diego, CA @katriztrinidad
Luke Wade Fort Worth, TX @lukewademusic
Through its first two weeks of the new season, "The Voice" has averaged a 4.0 rating, 12 share in adults 18-49 and 13.2 million viewers overall in "live plus same day" averages from Nielsen Media Research, making it the #3 entertainment series and #1 reality series on the Big 4 networks so far this season in 18-49. The most recent telecast on Tuesday, Sept. 30, equaled the show's highest adult 18-49 rating for a Tuesday edition (4.1) in the past year (since Oct. 1, 2013) and the biggest overall audience for a Tuesday telecast since March 4.
"The Voice" is a presentation of United Artists Media Group (an MGM company), Talpa Media USA Inc. and Warner HORIZON Television. The series was created by John de Mol, who serves as executive producer along with Mark Burnett, Audrey Morrissey, Marc Jansen and Lee Metzger.
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