NBC's "The Voice" coaches have each selected their 12-member teams that will advance to the "battle rounds" phase of the competition. Beginning Monday, Oct. 14 (8-10 p.m. ET), the coaches and celebrity advisers will work with their respective teams of performers, developing skill sets, offering advice and encouragement, and sharing secrets about their own personal success to help them move forward in the competition.
During the "battle rounds," each coach will pair two of their own team members against one another, each asked to sing the same song together in front of a studio audience. After the vocal battle, the coach must pick which of his/her singers will advance to the knockout round, while the losing artist is available to be stolen by another coach. Each coach has two steals available during the battle rounds. Through the first two weeks of the season, "The Voice" has averaged a 4.7 rating, 13 share and 14.5 million viewers overall on Mondays and Tuesday, for a 7% increase over its first two weeks last year in 18-49 and a 13% gain in total viewers. "The Voice" has led NBC to decisive 18-49 wins among the Big 4 networks on both Mondays and Tuesdays so far this season, helping NBC win the opening two nights of the season in 18-49 for the first time since 1988.Below is a breakdown of adviser and team pairings:
Team Adam (@adamlevine): Ryan Tedder (@onerepublic)
Team Blake (@blakeshelton): Cher (@cher)
Team CeeLo (@ceelogreen): Miguel (@MiguelUnlimited)
Team Christina (@xtina): Ed Sheeran (@edsheeran)
Artist: Hometown: Twitter:
Ashley DuBose St. Paul, MN @AshleyDuBose
Barry Black Las Vegas, NV @mrbarryblack
Donna Allen Hallandale, FL @DonnaAllenMusic
Grey Jacksonville, FL @MusicbyGrey
James Irwin St. Louis, MO @jameskirwinstl
James Wolpert Strasburg, PA @jamespwolpert
Justin Blake Savannah, TN
Matt Cermanski Phoenixville, PA @MattCermanski
Nic Hawk Dallas, TX @mrnichawk
Preston Pohl St. Augustine, TX @prestonpohl
Tessanne Chin Kingston, Jamaica @Tessanne
Will Champlin Los Angeles, CA @willchamplin
Artist: Hometown: Twitter:
Austin Jenckes Duvall, WA @austinjenckes
Brandon Chase Arlington, TX @brandonjchase
Brian Pounds Austin, TX @BrianPounds1
Cilla Chan Singapore @cillchan
E.G. Daily Hollywood, CA @Realegdaily
Emily Randolph Eatonville, WA @EmRandolphMusic
Holly Henry Minneapolis, MN @hollymaehenry
Justin Chain Fort Payne, AL @justinchain
Monika Leigh Houston, TX @monikaleigh1
Ray Boudreaux Lafayette, LA @RayBoudreaux
Sam Cerniglia Chicago, IL @samcerniglia
Shelbie Z. Jasper, AL @Shelbie_Z
Artist: Hometown: Twitter:
Anthony Paul Twinsburg, OH @AnthonyCPaul
Caroline Pennell Saddle River, NJ @carolinepennell
Cole Vosbury Shreveport, LA @colevosbury
George Horga Jr. Portland @Georgehorgajr
Jonny Gray Austin, TX @jonnygraymusic
Juhi Franklin, TN @Juhix3
Kat Robichaud Raleigh, NC @katrowbeeshow
Keaira LaShae Los Angeles, CA @KeairaLaShae
Lupe Carroll Bourbonnais, IL @lupemusic
R. Anthony Jacksonville, FL @ranthonymusic
Shawn Smith Utica, NY @ShawnBigSexy
Tamara Chauniece Wharton, TX @TamaraChauniece
Artist: Hometown: Twitter:
Amber Nicole Houston, TX @theamberscott
Briana Cuoco Los Angeles, CA @bricuoco
Destinee Quinn Surprise, AZ @destineequinn
Jacob Poole Atlanta, GA @jacobmusik
Jacquie Lee Colts Neck, NJ @jacquieleemusic
Josh Logan Manchester, NH @Josh_Logan
Lina Gaudenzi Miami, FL @LinaGaudenzi
Matthew Schuler Yardley, PA @MSchulerMusic
Michael Lynch Chicago, IL @MichaelLynchML
Olivia Henken Louisville, KY @oliviahenken
Stephanie Anne Johnson Tacoma, WA @msstephaniesaid
Timyra-Joi San Diego, CA @timyrajoimusic
"The Voice" is a presentation of Mark Burnett's One Three Inc., Talpa Media USA Inc. and Warner Horizon Television. The series was created by John de Mol, who executive produces along with Burnett, Audrey Morrissey, Stijn Bakkers and Lee Metzger.
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