Shades of Blue follows Harlee Santos (Jennifer Lopez), who is a charismatic single mother and resourceful detective at the heart of a tight-knit crew of Brooklyn detectives, led by enigmatic Lt. Matt Wozniak (Ray Liotta), who often directs the team to step outside the limitations of the law in order to effectively protect their precinct and their own.
Sunday Primetime Results:
"Shades of Blue" (0.6/3 in 18-49, 3.2 million viewers overall from 10-11 p.m. ET):
· Jumps +0.2 of a point or +50% versus last week's 0.4 in 18-49 in these prelim fast-affiliate ratings and +0.1 of a point or +20% versus last week's 0.5 in official nationals.
· In total viewers, is up +14% versus last week's fast-affiliate 2.833 million and up +13% versus last week's official-national 2.863 million.
· Scores the show's highest 18-49 rating since its June 17 season premiere (0.6) to match the "Shades of Blue" season high.
· Delivers the show's most-watched episode since July 15 (3.226 million), pending updates.
· Ranks for #2 in the timeslot in adults 18-49 among ABC, CBS and NBC and is #1 among those nets in adults 18-34, men 18-34 (tie) and women 18-34.
· Is up +19% versus NBC's timeslot average last summer in total viewers (3.222 million vs. 2.713 million, L+SD excluding sports).
· Will grow dramatically via time-shifting and VOD - last week's "Shades of Blue" increased by +73% in 18-49 (0.45 to 0.78) and more than +1.5 million viewers overall (2.9 million to 4.4 million) going from L+SD to L+3 Nielsens, for the biggest L+3 lifts of the night on the Big 4 networks in 18-49 percentage and total viewers.
An encore telecast of "America's Got Talent" (0.7/3 in 18-49, 3.7 million viewers overall from 8-10 p.m. ET):
· Increases by +80% from its first half-hour to its fourth in 18-49 (0.5 to 0.9) and by +1.259 million persons or +41% in total viewers (3.1 million to 4.3 million).
· Maintains 100% of last week's rebroadcast in this timeslot in 18-49 (0.7 vs. 0.7) and increases by +10% in total viewers (3.744 million vs. 3.391 million).
A rebroadcast of "Little Big Shots" averaged a 0.4/2 in 18-49 and 3.2 million viewers overall from 7-8 p.m. ET.