NBC is developing a female-focused comedy titled "Secret Society," according to Deadline. The show comes from "Barry" producer Emily Heller, "Girlboss" creator Kay Cannon and Laverne McKinnon's K&L Productions and Universal TV.
Secret Society centers on Beth, a struggling reporter who is tired of feeling invisible in her small town and recruits other women to help take over a dying branch of an all-male secret society.
Heller wrote the series and executive produces with K&L's Cannon and McKinnon. Universal TV produces in association with K&L Productions.
Heller's previous writing credits include "People of Earth" and "Crowded."
Cannon and McKinnon met on "Girlboss", which Cannon created and showran and McKinnon executive produced. The duo then formed K&L Productions, which signed a first-look deal with Sony Pictures TV in August.
Read the original article on Deadline.