With immigration reform in the spotlight as a bipartisan group of Senators work to create a comprehensive bill that would overhaul the nation's immigration system, the NBCUniversal News Group has launched a special editorial initiative examining the varied angles of this complex subject and the evolving demographics of American society.
Reports will appear on air and online as the individual branches of the News Group each provide unique perspective and insight into a wide range of topics spanning political, personal, and economic issues related to immigration in America. Two new polls will be released on Thursday, April 11 to better inform and drive this series of reporting: an NBC News/Wall Street Journal national survey about immigration and politics, followed by additional data from an NBC/WSJ/Telemundo oversample of Latino respondents.Stories in the coming days will include: - NBC News and NBCNews.com delve into border security, undocumented students, and the path to citizenship.Videos