NBC Entertainment is expanding its acclaimed "Saturday Night Live" mobile video app as the popular comedy institution heads toward the finale of its landmark 40th season.
The SNL app for iPhone and iPad is available for free on the App Store? and on Google PlayTM (http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/app). The app provides an easy to use platform to explore and discover nearly 5,900 sketches spanning the show's four-decade history. Download screenshots, emojis and videos of the app here: bit.ly/SNLApp_Assets
The SNL app update comes as the series is set to return this weekend for the first of its three final episodes of the season. The May 2 episode will be hosted by Scarlett Johansson; the May 9 episode will be hosted by Reese Witherspoon; and the May 16 season finale will be hosted by Louis CK.
Apple, the Apple logo, and iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.?Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc.
"Saturday Night Live" is produced in association with Broadway Video. The creator and executive producer is Lorne Michaels.
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