NATHAN'S KINGDOM will premiere at the Heartland Film Festival. The fantasy drama follows Nathan, a young autistic man struggling with his teenage opiate-addicted sister, and how they risk it all to find a kingdom that once existed only in their imaginations. Written and directed by Olicer Muñoz, the coming-of-age tale stars Madison Ford, Jacob Lince, Sarah Assumma, John Henry, and Peter Mendoza. Lince is one of the first autistic actors with a lead role in a narrative feature - a huge accomplishment for the autistic community and their supporters.
"Nathan's Kingdom" is a dark fantasy, coming-of-age drama about Nathan, a young autistic man struggling with his teenage opiate-addicted sister, Laura, and rather than surrendering to social services, they risk their lives to find a kingdom that once existed only in their imaginations. To cope with the hardships of a broken home, Nathan spent his younger years playing with his self-appointed best friend, Laura. Together, they invent a fictitious safe HAVEN called "The Kingdom" and promise each other to one day find it. Ten years go by and adulthood sets in. In an effort to save the only family he has, Nathan outmaneuvers social services and takes Laura on a mythical quest: battling monsters, enduring epic wars, and confronting an UNDERGROUND civilization of ghouls in hopes to find the Kingdom with the potential to transform their lives forever.
Saturday, October 13th at AMC Castleton Square Theater 9 at 3:00 PM
Monday October 15th at TOBY at Newfields at 4:45 PM
Wednesday October 17 at AMC Castleton Square Theater 2at 12:00 PM