DMax will screen 'Taking Fire' on the 4th of January at 21:00 KSA. This program displays the experiences of FRONTLINE fighters who were deployed to America's farthest flung outpost in Korungal, which happens to be deep in the Taliban-held country.
'Taking Fire' utilizes helmet camera footage of soldiers in the 101st Airborne Division, showcasing everything from American soldiers under fire to playing pranks on each other. The series will give real, raw insight and footage from the war zone that most people have never before experienced.
The fighters decided to capture everything they experience to show their family and friends back home what are their experiences and lifestyle. The footage that THE FIGHTERS brought home with them charts an extraordinary first-eye view of the modern warfare in one of the earth's deadliest places.
Plunge yourself into the heart of action where news and reports will no longer be needed or watched. The program will leave you with an experience that is different than anything you have experienced or imagined before.
'TAKING FIRE' screens on DMax HD on the 4th of January at 21:00 KSA. Available exclusively on beIN channel 114.