Today, Youtube premiered "BookTube," a learning special featuring Mrs. Obama sitting down with a panel of top Youtube Creators to discuss her memoir 'Becoming.' The YouTubers include Jouelzy, Ariel Bissett, Kat O'Keeffe, Jesse George and Franchesca Ramsey.
Watch the 'BookTube' roundtable with Michelle Obama here:
Watch the BookTubers have a discussion with Michelle Obama here:
Best-selling author John Green, co-founder of Youtube channels vlogbrothers and Crash Course leads the discussion alongside the panel of Youtube creators. Mrs. Obama and the panel discuss several topics from 'Becoming,' including sharing advice on how to deal with bullies, and touching on the importance of friendship and human connection. Mrs. Obama's conversation with BookTubers was part of her broader outreach to book clubs across social media, in cities she's visiting for her 'Becoming' book tour, and through partnerships like Goodreads.