Melissa Joan Hart and Sean Astin will star in "No Good Nick," a new live action comedy series revolving around a family that welcomes a thirteen-year-old into their family before realizing she is a street-smart con artist with a secret agenda.
The series follows Liz (Hart) and Ed (Astin), a hyper-competitive career mom and lovable but dorky "fun dad," respectively, who unwittingly welcome thirteen-year-old Nick (short for Nicole) into their family of four before realizing she is a street-smart con artist with a secret agenda. Siena Agudong stars as Nick.
"Melissa Joan Hart and Sean Astin are beloved by millions of fans around the world, and we are delighted to bring them together as parents for the very first time," said Melissa Cobb, vice president of kids and family at Netflix. "We hope to entertain kids and families with heart, mystery, and a lot of fun when No Good Nick comes to Netflix."
Production has already begun on the series, which also stars Kalama Epstein and Lauren Lindsey Donzis.