Local Film Director, Max Einhorn, is currently in the pre-production phase of his latest short film My Father, the Old Horse. Principal photography will begin this fall in Middletown and the surrounding areas.
Against the setting of a hunting trip, My Father, the Old Horse explores familial themes and values under a period of intense crisis. Mack Esbenshade, a physically grown but emotionally immature man, clashes with Donald, his domineering father. My Father, the Old Horse, explores highly relatable aspects of family life as father and son "come of age." Einhorn's thematically rich script and storyline promise an emotional baseline for the audience that is both familiar and intensely uncomfortable, yet nothing about My Father, the Old Horse is predictable.As a Middletown native, Einhorn, previously organized "The Traveling Diamonds," a showcase of the finest 2010 Temple University student films at the Middletown Area Arts Collective. His previous film, The Hysteric Dynamic, was an official selection of The Prometheus Film Festival and winner of "Best Film" at the Temple Film Collective Finale Film Festival.Videos