Keeping with the theme of thought-provoking and dramatic work, filmmaker, Matt Duhamel continues his mission of transforming hearts and minds through film, with a short documentary series entitled, "This is My Story," which is slated to start production this summer. Duhamel promises simple yet unique and powerful stories, the ones that keep you thinking days, weeks, even years after.
Metamora Films, Duhamel's independent film company, has been producing thought-provoking and transformative film projects for over five years now, while concentrating on social justice issues and storytelling. Duhamel developed Metamora Films to fill a growing void in society, what he describes as, "an empathy crisis." He believes we can learn from other people's stories, even people we don't have a connection to, such as strangers featured in a documentary film. Duhamel's first film, "What Makes Me Tic?," took a jab at the empathy crisis through understanding people's Tourette Syndrome, including 12-year old Natasha, a somewhat shy but humorous young girl living with motor and vocal tics and the constant fear of being bullied.Videos