Back in April, Freeform, Marvel Television and ABC Signature announced their second project together, MARVEL'S NEW WARRIORS, a new comedic live-action adaptation of the popular Marvel comic featuring young adult heroes. The series marks Marvel's first foray into comedy for a television series. The network had ordered ten 30-minute episodes slated to debut in 2018.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the series will no longer air on the Disney-owned cable network and Marvel Entertainment will now be shopping for a new home. The site reports that the reason behind the move was that FreeForm wasn't able to find a slot for the series in its four night line-up in 2018.
Read the article in full here
"Marvel's New Warriors" is about six young people with powers living and working together. With powers and abilities on the opposite end of the spectrum of The Avengers, the New Warriors want to make a difference in the world ... even if the world isn't ready. Not quite super, not yet heroes, "Marvel's New Warriors" is about that time in your life when you first enter adulthood and feel like you can do everything and nothing at once - except in this world, bad guys can be as terrifying as bad dates.Videos