The history of casino gaming on Indian Lands receives the documentary treatment in the upcoming film "Neon Buffalo." Marcos Rodriguez and David Traub, the team behind the recent Steve Jobs biopic "jOBS," have signed on as executive producers. The film will explore all facets of Indian gaming, from its roots in traditional games of chance to the battles with law enforcement earlier in the last century. More information on the film is available here:
The filmmakers believe that Indian gaming is an important part of the tapestry of American history. They explain that gaming is the focal point of a social revolution on Indian lands that began early in the twentieth century. However, most people understand very little of the roots and significance of bingo halls and roulette wheels on Indian Lands. "Neon Buffalo" is told from the perspective of the American Indians who fought for the right to open gaming halls on the reservations, and in so doing, fought for a new kind of independence.
"There's an entirely different life taking place on Indian Lands and most Americans know very little about it," said Rodriguez. "With the 'Neon Buffalo' movie, we can take the audience inside that life and take a close look at one of the most dramatic and controversial elements casino gambling. Today, American Indians are so closely associated with gaming halls and bright neon lights that it's become almost a stereotype. However, the cultural history significance of Indian gaming is far deeper and more interesting."
"Neon Buffalo" does not shy away from the dark side of gaming. While casinos and vacation destinations have been a boon for Indian landowners, the consequences of gambling addiction cannot be easily dismissed. As the filmmakers point out, the house always has the advantage.
About the Producers
Marcos Rodriguez ( is Cuban-American entrepreneur and founder of several media outlets. David Traub is a venture capitalist, philanthropist and entrepreneur with 25 years' experience producing movies, concerts, and digital media. The pair has previously collaborated as executive producers on the Steve Jobs biopic "jOBS."
SOURCE Marcos Rodriguez