MTV's new docu-series CATFISH: THE TV SHOW," based on the critically-acclaimed documentary film "Catfish," will focus on couples who have fallen in love online but have never met face-to-face. The series will follow filmmakers Yaniv "Nev" Schulman and Max Joseph on their quest around the country to tell the stories of these hopeful romantic partners. Each of the 12 hour-long episodes will be an emotional voyage to discover the truth about his or her significant other, with the journeys filled with mystery, surprises, and sometimes even shocking revelations. The series has not yet been assigned an airdate.
Yaniv "Nev" Schulman started a film and photography Production Company with his older brother, Ariel, at the age of 19. One of the projects that came out of this successful partnership was the hit documentary feature, "Catfish." Nev has lived and worked in New York City his entire life. After five years of studying dance and performing internationally as a child, he began taking photography seriously in high school. In 2004, Nev began photographing the New York ballet community and has worked with many companies and choreographers, and continues to be a passionate advocate of the art form.
Max Joseph is a young filmmaker from New York City who at the age of 18, licensed his first short film to HBO Family, where it aired over the next four years. Since then, Max's films have screened at festivals all over the country, including Sundance, Telluride, and SXSW, and he's directed and edited award-winning commercials for well-known brands including Nike, Pepsi, Starbucks, TOMS and Toyota Prius. Additionally, Max formerly served as creative director of video at GOOD Magazine, where he wrote and directed over 60 short films, some of which screened at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), Brooklyn Academy Of Music (BAM,) and the Gagosian Gallery in New York.