MSNBC's dynamic news documentary series Maximum Drama continues to present thought-provoking stories with the premiere of "Missing Johnny," an examination of the infamous thirty-year-old cold case of missing child Johnny Gosch –the first missing child to appear on a milk carton- on Sunday, December 16th at 9 pm ET. "Missing Johnny" focuses on the heartbreaking story of Johnny's mother, Noreen Gosch, and her relentless quest to find the truth about her missing son.
"Missing Johnny," chronicles the endless intrigue and conspiracy theories surrounding the eyewitness sightings, physical evidence and case-turning discoveries which span across three decades. The documentary intertwines original interviews of all the main characters with archival news footage, home video and film material spanning 30 years. Interviews include the last adult to see Johnny, the West Des Moines police captain and a convicted child molester who says he took part in Johnny's abduction.