Acclaimed cinematographer Harris Savides, who worked on such films as MILK and ZODIAC, has died at the age of 55. The cause of his death is not yet known.
In his career, Savides worked with a multitude of talent on both critically and commercially successful films, including David Fincher's SE7EN, ZODIAC, MILK, RESTLESS with Gus Van Sant, AMERICAN GANGSTER with Ridley Scott, WHATEVER WORKS with Woody Allen, SOMEWHERE with Sofia Coppola, and many others. The last film he shot was Coppola's upcoming drama, THE BLING RING. Savides was nominated for five Spirit Awards.Savides was a native New Yorker and began his career as a fashion photographer. He then transitioned into music videos, working with Madonna, Janet Jackson, and Fiona Apple.Savides was considered a master of his craft, creating visually stunning, though subtle effects. ”On one level, I don’t want the work to be photographic,” he said in an interview with the Village Voice in 2004. ”But I’d also have trouble doing a comedy, where there’s so much that needs to be delivered verbally. It’s about having an opportunity to tell the story without words.”
Photo by Franco Biciocchi