For the first time in its 19-year history, Bravo Media's "Inside the Actors Studio," hosted by James Lipton, welcomes a father-daughter pairing to the stage with Oscar-nominated actors Bruce Dern and Laura Dern on Thursday, December 26 at 7pm ET/PT.
Fresh off of a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor, Bruce Dern joins James Lipton, along with daughter Laura, to discuss his impressive 50-year career that led him to the life-changing lead role as Woody Grant in Paramount Pictures' Nebraska. In the episode, Lipton delves into both Bruce's and Laura's individual careers, as well as their personal relationship. Viewers will learn what it was like for Laura to grow up with both her father and mother, Diane Ladd, in the industry, and to be the first and only family to each have a star side by side on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Bruce Dern reveals what it was like to be the only actor to kill John Wayne in a movie, and why Jack Nicholson is the best on-screen partner he has ever had.Photo by RD / Orchon / Retna Digital