With its 15th season well under way, the Tournée Québec Cinéma, in collaboration with Radio-Canada, is pleased to announce that it will, for the first time in its history, visit every province outside Quebec, as well as two territories. Thanks to the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Tournée has added three new stops to its itinerary - Saskatchewan, Alberta and Yukon - and will be able to increase the number of films and guests for its visits to NOVA Scotia and Newfoundland & Labrador. More than ever, the Tournée is proud to be Canada's biggest showcase for Québécois, Franco-Canadian and Indigenous films.
"For the last 15 years, the Tournée has allowed Québec Cinéma to fulfill its mission of showcasing Quebec's films everywhere in Canada. BEYOND screenings, our events are unique opportunities to bring people together around French-language films, engage in dialogue with the audience, and forge strong ties that enrich the cultural lives of francophones and francophiles everywhere in Canada," said Ségolène Roederer, executive director of Québec Cinéma.
Most francophone communities outside Quebec lack regular access to big-screen showings of films from Quebec. That is why the Tournée works to enhance the programs of established festivals and to contribute to the cultural offerings available to francophone communities in towns and cities across Canada.
"Each year, the Tournée's importance to Canada's cultural landscape is reaffirmed. Year after year, the itinerary is extended with new destinations, and we program a wide variety of films that audiences appreciate. It all leads to inspiring gatherings, thanks to the generosity of the artists who accompany their films," added François Lemieux, director of the Tournée and the Lab Québec Cinéma.
Since its inception, the Tournée has travelled more than 170,000 kilometres, bringing Quebec's films and francophone culture to audiences. On its journeys, the Tournée has screened more than 700 films representing every genre, introduced 450 artists working in several film disciplines to audiences, and reached 107,000 spectators across Canada. And that's not all! The Tournée has launched its 15thseason with plans to visit more than 30 cities and towns in every part of Canada.