Brothers Noah and Lewie Kloster's debut animation film LEGAL SMUGGLING WITH CHRISTINE CHOY has been selected for the 2017 Sundance Film Festival under documentary short films. This exciting short film features Academy Award nominated filmmaker Christine Choy, as she undergoes an adventure of wild proportions when she accidentally illegally smuggles cigarettes. Trailer:
As the price of cigarettes become astronomical in New York City, Academy Award nominated filmmaker, Christine Choy, goes the extra mile to secure her favorite brand. Bouncing from one airport to another, her duty free cigarettes get lost in the shuffle, forcing an attempt at smuggling.
Lewie and Noah Kloster grew up in Minneapolis, MN and together founded Tall Glass with Ice Productions, a 2D animation studio in Downtown Manhattan. Legal Smuggling with Christine Choy is the first in a series and the next episode which in post production, will feature Ali Selim.
Lewie Kloster is a current 4th year undergraduate student at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. He primarily works with his brother, Noah Kloster. Restricting himself from creating a world on screen, he takes what is present and translates it into narrative. Noah Kloster is an Animator who is in his first year at Pratt Institute in New York City. He grew up making visual artwork and acting in his brother's films. Christine Choy began her film studies at the American Film Institute and earned her Directing Certificate. Christine has produced and directed about seventy works in various forms, receiving over sixty international awards. Among them are numerous fellowships such as the John Simon Guggenheim, the Rockefeller, and the Asian Cultural Council, as well as an Academy Award Nomination for the documentary film, "Who Killed Vincent Chen?."
Legal Smuggling with Christine Choy will play at the
Sundance Film Festival, which is held from January 19th - January 29th.
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