Below, check out THE "LATE SHOW" TOP TEN - 'Questions to Ask Yourself Before Attempting to Live to 150', as presented on the Tuesday, March 12 27 broadcast of the LATE SHOW with David Letterman, seen weeknights (11:35 PM - 12:37 AM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
10. "Do I want to put off retirement until I'm 138?"
9. "Am I that desperate to see 'Die Hard 30'?"8. "Is 150 really 'the new 140?'"7. "Can I keep this a secret from my wife?"6. "Can I get back the deposit on my cemetery plot?"5. "Will I have enough Viagra?"4. "Do I mind outliving the planet?"3. "How many colonoscopies is too many colonoscopies?"2. "Will I end up looking like Larry King?"1. "An extra half-century of incontinence? What's the catch?"Videos