Lady Gaga announced on Thursday that her her third full-length studio album ARTPOP will be released on November 11. In a Facebook post, the singer also revealed that an as-yet-unnamed single wil be released on August 19 along with an accompanying app that she said will bring, "ARTculture into Pop in a reverse Warholian expedition."
The post explained that the app was created by TechHaus, a technology-focused offshoot of her Haus of Gaga creative team. "The app itself is a musical and visual engineering system that combines music, art, fashion and technology with a new interactive worldwide community - 'the auras.' Altering the human experience with social media, we bring ARTculture into POP in a reverse Warholian expedition."
The album (and app) will be available for pre-order on September 1. In the post, Gaga gave fans some teasers as to what they can expect on her latest LP. "The album ARTPOP musically mirrors Gaga's creative process as she passes through the mediums of each artist she collaborates with, scoring a blueprint of her journey."
It continues, "The result, a 'rage' of electronic passion and fury, defining each artistic process from beginning to end, ARTPOP could mean anything. But for her, this is a celebration of obsession."
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