La Mala Noche (The Longest Night), the debut feature by Ecuadorean writer-director Gabriela Calvache will have its world premiere as part of the Global section at the 2019 edition of the SXSW Film Festival, taking place March 8-16 in Austin, Texas, followed by its Latin American premiere in the official Ibero-American competition at the 34th edition of the Guadalajara International Film Festival in Mexico, March 8-15.
Dana, played by Colombian actress Nöelle Schönwald (Love in the Time of Cholera), is a smart and beautiful woman who resorts to prostitution to make a living. She must deliver most of her income to a mafia boss, who protects and exploits her. She's good at what she does, a job she landed by mistake, out of love.
Perhaps, if she behaves well enough, she might get her freedom, but her daughter's illness and addiction to a pharmaceutical drug will prevent her from reaching her goals. An unexpected incident will give her the opportunity to break free from her captor and seek justice with her own hands.
A co-production between Calvache's Cineatica Films and Geminiano Pineda's Cine Canibal of Mexico, La Mala Noche is a bold genre drama that ultimately becomes a femme-power poignant indictment of human trafficking.
SXSW Screenings:
Saturday, March 9, 4:45pm at Alamo Ritz 2
Monday, March 11, 2pm at Alamo Lamar C
Thursday, March 14, 10:45am at Alamo Ritz 2